What is sourdough?

Okay, but what is sourdough anyway? And tell me in simple words…

Sourdough is naturally leavened bread made from starter. Starter is made from fermented flour and water which contains wild yeast and good bacteria. This is why your starter will rise after each of your feedings as the bacteria is breaking down the wheat’s proteins creating your starter. The yeast found in your sourdough bread increases the nutrient content and makes it easier for your body to digest. This bacteria in your starter also produces that tangy sourdough flavor and chewy texture that so many people love! Something you cannot get from a yeast packet.

What does leavened bread mean? Leavened bread is a dough that rises during the bread-making process. This is caused by gas that is released as the grain in the dough begins to ferment. Hence your starter rising after each feed.

Why should I eat sourdough instead of commercially made breads?

First off it is more nutritious than regular bread. The fermentation process used to make sourdough improves its nutrition profile. It contains a plethora of minerals including, potassium, phosphate, magnesium, and zinc. (Trusted source)

Research also shows that the sourdough fermentation process that happens reduces the phytate content of bread by 70%. (Trusted Source).

Due to the phytic acid (or known better as phytate) present in the bread, your body’s ability to absorb the minerals above become limited by the presence of phytic acid.

Phytate is naturally found in most plant-based foods, including grains. It is also known as an antinutrient as it binds to minerals, making them difficult for your body to absorb (Trusted Source).

As Dr. Paul Saladino puts it in his article titled What if plants aren’t good for you?They simply do NOT want to be eaten, and they contain MANY defense chemicals that are designed to mess with your digestion. These defense chemicals include tannins, saponins, isothiocyanates, lectins, oxalates, and cyanogenic glycosides that are going to damage your gut; inhibit nutrient absorption, mess with your hormones, and generally, make you fart a lot. The fact is, the vast majority of plants are inedible if not toxic to humans, as a result of these defense chemicals”. But this is a hotly debated topic for another time.

That said the lactic acid found in sourdough bread lowers the bread’s pH which in turn deactivates the phytate. Which means sourdough bread tends to contain LESS phytate than other types of bread. Win win! (Trusted source, trusted source).

Overall, sourdough’s longer fermentation process give it an amazing aroma, flavor, and texture. So, if you aren’t a fan of whole grain bread sourdough may be the perfect way to include whole grains in your diet.

Why is store bought sourdough not the same as homemade?

Short answer? No. It is not the same and honestly a FRAUD! LIARS!

Most store-bought “sourdough” breads (I am not including bakeries) use a small amount of sourdough starter and then throw other flavors in that give the bread a sourdough “taste”. Then they use commercial yeast to raise their doughs. One of the many reasons I have had to switch my friends who are not sourdough lovers to my homemade breads as the taste is VASTLY different.

So, if you want a true sourdough, I suggest going to a local bakery who creates a true sourdough bread or do what I do and bake to your hearts content! Trust me you will never be the same after perfecting a loaf at home. It is also much much cheaper!